The Competition Tribunal accepted a lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against the Trade Association of Obstetrician Gynecologysts of the Province of Ñuble (Asociación Gremial de Ginecólogos Obstetras de la Provincia de Ñuble, “AGGOÑ”) and a group of medical doctors in that association, declaring that they infringed Article 3 letter a) of Decree Law N° 211.
An agreement between obstetrician gynecologists -orchestrated through AGGOÑ- was proven, its objective being to increase prices for medical consultations and surgical interventions of that specialty in the corresponding relevant markets, for a period that at least comprised from January 2012 to October 2013.
AGGOÑ was fined with 10 Annual Tributary Units, and the medical doctors’ fines ranged between 1.66 and 9.52 Annual Tributary Units.
Additionally, AGGOÑ was ordered to implement an antitrust compliance program.
Judges Menchaca and Domper concurred to the decision, excepting AGGONÑ’s fine.