Decision No. 64 – Case C 96-06 – Lawsuit by Micom S.A. against ENAP

The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by MICOM S.A. against ENAP, for unjustified refusal to deal and exclusionary practices against the plaintiff. In its ruling, the Tribunal stated that it concluded that ENAP’s refusal to accept MICOM as a client had commercial justifications, therefore that conduct cannot be deemed anticompetitive. There was no proof that […]

Decision No. 61 – Case C 86-06 – Lawsuit by Delfos Ltda. and the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against SCL and others

The Competition Tribunal partially accepted lawsuits by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office and Delfos Ltda. against Consorcio SCL, concessionaire of Arturo Merino Benítez Airport in Santiago, for not selecting tourism taxi operators in the Airport via a public tender. SCL negotiated directly with the companies Tur Bus and Centropuerto, who already offered bus and minivan […]

Decision No. 60 – Case C 110-06 – Lawsuit by Bayer HeathCare LLC against Maver Ltda.

The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by Bayer HeathCare LLC against Laboratorio Maver Ltda. and its legal representative, Mr. Alberto Albala Weissman, because the lawsuit exceeded the statute of limitations. The Tribunal decided not to adopt any corrective or preventative measures, because the actions contained in the lawsuit were not deemed constituent of infractions to […]

Decision No. 59 – Case C 109-06 – Lawsuit by Knop Ltda. against Maver Ltda.

The Competition Tribunal dismissed the lawsuit by Laboratorio Especialidades Farmacéuticas Knop Ltda. against Laboratorio Maver Ltda. The Tribunal stated that, even though Maver executed disloyal competition actions, these actions weren’t executed by an actor with a dominant position in the relevant market. Also, said actions were not considered as able to allow Maver to reach, […]

Decision No. 57 – Case C 77-05 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Isapre ING S.A. and others

The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against the private health insurers (ISAPRES) ING S.A., Colmena Golden Cross S.A., Banmédica S.A., Vida Tres S.A. and Conslud, for allegedly colluding to lower coverage in their health insurance plans, from 100% for inpatient and 90% for outpatient procedures, to 90% and 70% […]

Decision No. 56 – Case C 65-05 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Cámara de Comercio de Santiago A.G.

The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Cámara de Comercio de Santiago A.G., for infringement of antitrust laws, by allegedly abusing its dominant position when imposing charges for clearing published debts in the Commercial Information Bulletin. Regardless of this, the Tribunal recommended the Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras […]