Decision No. 4 – Case C 32-04 – Presentation of I. Municipalidad de Puente Alto, regarding tender bases for garbage recollection and disposal

The Competition Tribunal approved the Administrative and Technical Bases of the public tender for “Recollection, cleaning, washing, transport and intermediate or final disposal of farmer’s markets residue in Puente Alto County”, presented by I. Municipalidad de Puente Alto. These bases follow number 14 of Dictamen N° 995 of December 23, 1996, of H. Comisión Preventiva […]

Decision No. 2 – Case NC 03-04 – Request by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office to modify regulations regarding tax exemptions to water treatment and sewage companies

The Competition Tribunal accepted the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office request to propose the modification of Article 9 bis, first paragraph, of D.F.L. N° 382, of 1988, of Ministerio de Obras Públicas, that exempts concessionaires of water treatment and sewage companies of payment of certain municipal charges for the use of national goods, without extending the […]

Decision No. 1 – Case C 34-04 – Complaint by Asociación Chilena de Seguridad and Instituto de Seguridad del Trabajo, against Dictamen N° 1288 of Comisión Preventiva Central

The Competition Tribunal confirmed Dictamen N° 1288, of April 30, 2004, of Comisión Preventiva Central (Central Preventative Commission), which determined that Employer Mutualities, governed by Law N° 16744, cannot reject a company’s request to join it without cause, or motivated by a small number of employees. Notwithstanding the former, the Tribunal eliminated the third paragraph […]