Decision No. 75 – Case C 113-06 – Lawsuit by Atrex and others against SCL

The Competition Tribunal ruled in favor of Atrex and others, in a lawsuit against SCL, concessionary of the Airport of Santiago, Chile, for abuse of a dominant position and unjustified discrimination against courier companies who do business in the airport. These conducts can be summarized as follows: first, establishing a tariff for subconcessions of facilities […]

Decision No. 74 – Case C 121-06 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against AM Patagonia S.A. and others

The Competition Tribunal ruled in favor of the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office, against 74 of 84 physicians of the city of Punta Arenas, who were accused of signing a price fixing agreement for the provision of different specialized medical services. With this objective, the physicians had formed a society, named “AM Patagonia S.A.” (Ampatagonia) and […]

Decision No. 73 – Case C 147-07 – Lawsuit by the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office against Empresa Eléctrica de Magallanes S.A.

The Competition Tribunal ruled in favor of the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office, against Empresa Eléctrica de Magallanes (EDELMAG), for abuse of a monopoly position in provision of electricity to final consumers in the city of Puerto Williams, XIIth Region, when it raised prices without justification. The ruling states that EDELMAG raised its prices above what […]

Decision No. 69 – Case C 112-06 – Lawsuit by Mr. Jorge Delgado Méndez against Copec S.A.

The Competition Tribunal dismissed the lawsuits by Jorge Delgado Méndez, Sociedad Comercial Ezio Rizziere Narváez Guerrero Ltda. and Sociedad Comercial y Distribuidora Proventa Ltda., against Compañía de Petróleos de Chile Copec S.A. (Copec) and Eduardo Bottinelli Mercandino. The plaintiffs had to pay Tribunal costs. In its ruling, the Tribunal stated that both it and its […]

Decision No. 67 – Case C 124-07 – Lawsuit by Helicópteros del Pacífico Ltda. against CONAF and Ministerio de Agricultura

The Competition Tribunal dismissed a lawsuit by Helicópteros del Pacífico Ltda. Against CONAF and Ministerio de Agricultura, for alleged conducts against free competition in the market of aerial forest fire extinguishing services. One of the accusations against CONAF was to have offered aerial forest fire extinguishing services to third parties, without the corresponding legal and […]