History of TDLC
The Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (“Competition Tribunal” or “TDLC”) was created by Law No. 19,911 in 2003, replacing the Antitrust Resolutory Commission and the Preventive Commissions. It became operational in May 2004.
It is a special and independent jurisdictional body subject to the directive, correctional and economic superintendence of the Supreme Court. The purpose of the Competition Tribunal is to prevent, correct and sanction infringements to Decree Law No. 211 (“Competition Law”. Chilean competition norms are established in Decree Law No. 211 - the text of which was recast, coordinated and systematized by Decree with Force of Law No. 1, of 2004, of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction (currently Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism) - a law whose purpose is to promote and defend free competition.
View Decree Law