The Competition Tribunal did not approve a private negotiation between the consultant, Concesionaria Chucumata S.A. and Asociaciones Gremiales de Transporte, after having finished a public tender for tourism taxicab services in the Diego Aracena Airport, in Iquique, and declaring it deserted.
By Resolution N° 653, of May 29, 2002, H. Comisión Resolutiva had confirmed Dictamen N° 66 of Comisión Preventiva of I Región, who had stated that Concesionaria Chucumata must remit future tender bases to the latter, among other conditions.
The Tribunal ordered Concesionaria Chucumata to produce new tender bases, and to submit them to its approval. Concesionaria Chucumata must take into account the criteria described in Dictamen N° 961 when manufacturing the bases.